No one is born “good at” their chosen profession. Becoming a professional takes diligence, time, hard work, focus, knowledge, as well as the right tools. Being “good at sales” is no exception.
The sales process is one of the most foundational tools of sales success. Using a consistent sales process brings a measure of certainty to the innumerable variations that each sales conversation brings. No two people or situations are alike, but structuring your conversations around the sales process ensures that you never get thrown off, are able to win sales, and help others by doing so.
There are three key components to sales success. Two take place outside the sales encounter through study and preparation, and the third occurs in relationship – when you have the sales conversation with prospects. These components are:
1.) “Why?” — Having a mindset of success. Is your mindset—your attitudes, world-view, perceptions—working for you or against you? It’s important to realize that successful selling begins with your thoughts about and attitude toward yourself, others, sales in general, and money in particular. Are you operating under a mentality of abundance or scarcity? What are your beliefs about your own products/services? Would you pay what you are charging? Beliefs drive behavior. So, if your current beliefs and assumptions are working against you, they must change. Otherwise nothing else will.
2.) “What” — Employing a structured sales strategy. Next, we evaluate existing sales structures and strategies. We look at the list of sales behaviors that work in your world, and then we look for the “gaps,” or areas that, if improved upon, will increase sales. From there, we define your specific sales process so that you and your team are able to replicate it from beginning to end, consistently over time, and with repeatable outcomes. If it seems like a lot, you’re right—it is. Developing an effective, replicable sales process will require commitment and dedication. My goal is to provide you with training and coaching that helps shorten your learning curve and get you the results you want as quickly as possible.
3.) “How” — Enhancing the way you communicate. The sales relationship is, by nature, adversarial. For example, the customer wants to hold onto as much of their money as possible, and the salesperson wants them to spend it. You’re at odds with each other before you even talk. Are you tired of having people say “not interested” before you’ve even explained what you do? Frustrated at spending a lot of time only to have the prospect say, “Thanks, I’ll get back to you” and then never return your calls? The good news is that there are ways to communicate that quickly foster an environment of trust. Both what you say and how you say it matters. These strategies can be learned and used by anyone willing to put the effort into restructuring your sales conversation approach.
Maximize your investment
Succeed both now and later
Serve through selling