How Jesus Established Trust, and How it Can Drive Sales

How can a Christian business owner or sales professional learn from Jesus’ example when it comes to building business relationships? After all, aren’t business relationships very different from personal friendships or Christian charity? Certainly they are different from one another. However, they are not as different as we believe. The research shows that treating business relationships more like personal ones is more effective to boot. Why? Because business relationships are still human relationships — and humans respond emotionally and act instinctively, whether in their business or personal life.

The example of Jesus is, in fact, highly instructive as we think about building effective business relationships, especially for sales. Here are four key points to ponder, strategize and put into action:

1. Prospects are Everywhere, Not Just Where You Think

Jesus didn’t just look to build relationships where he thought it was most valuable, relevant or ideal. He built relationships everywhere — and won hearts and minds everywhere as well. While ministry certainly has a broader ‘target market’ than selling a specific product or service, the idea applies: New opportunities can arise from just about anywhere. Stories abound in the business press about particularly enthusiastic and engaged executives and sales professionals who encountered major business opportunities outside of the office — at the soccer field, in a restaurant, on a flight or in church or civic settings. The key lesson is: Always be open to new introductions and new relationships. You never know where they might lead.

2. Establishing Trust Begins with Empathy and Engagement

One other advantage to being open to new relationships in a wide range of contexts is that it conditions you to develop relationships across a wide range of settings and circumstances — which tends to make you a better listener. And the next key lesson that Jesus’ example offers is that listening and observing are essential to building trust. Assuming you understand the other person, and jumping to conclusions based on a few quick observations or ideas damages relationships. Remember, you can’t judge a book by its cover — and Jesus never did. He always asked probing questions, learned about each person’s unique circumstances, avoided passing judgment, and demonstrated empathy and true personal engagement every time — even when those closest to him were encouraging him to move on.

3. Examples and Stories are Essential to the Discussion

In addition to his unique way of listening, Jesus also demonstrated a unique way of speaking — always presenting stories and examples (often by way of parables) that made his ideas clear and his concepts memorable. That approach was effective enough to make Jesus’ stories last 2,000+ years, and it is equally relevant to your work today. Studies show that when you tell a story to illustrate a business concept or point, you increase the likelihood that it will be remembered by up to three times. Storytelling also creates more intimacy and engagement on the part of the other person in the conversation. We’re naturally wired to remember stories rather than just facts — and with the increasing complexity of today’s products and services, often loaded with features and benefits that are impossible for anyone to remember — storytelling becomes even more essential.

4. You Must Believe in the Transformative Power of Your Solution

Finally, Jesus was absolutely convinced of the value of what he had to offer. He believed to his core that the solution he offered to each individual was the right one, and was unquestionably going to make their lives better. You may intellectually believe that your products and/or services are valuable, but unless you really empathize with your customer and become personally engaged in understanding and responding to their needs, you will not be able to deeply demonstrate a personal believe in support of your solution. That’s why it’s so important to take the time to create, tailor and configure solutions for your clients, rather than just selling products or services.

By taking these four steps — being open to new and diverse relationships; demonstrating empathy and engagement; crafting and telling compelling stories; and creating solutions that you can passionately believe in — you will successfully incorporate some of Jesus’ most powerful and dynamic leadership principles directly into your work.