This week I’m sharing an article by Dr. Mark Virkler, Founder of Communion With God Ministries and co-author with his wife of 4 Keys to Hearing God’s Voice. In a recent conversation we connected around the idea that every Christian businessperson needs to be able to hear the voice of God clearly in order to make God-directed business decisions. Mark shares how God helped shift his negative attitude toward marketing (otherwise known as sales) and blessed him beyond his wildest imagination.

Learn to Love Marketing (Sales) By Mark Virkler
My attitude toward marketing had always been “yuck”. I told the Lord that I hated marketing. The Lord spoke to me: “I want to teach you to LOVE MARKETING, and to become good at it. My anointing does not ride on the carrier wave of hatred. It rides on the carrier wave of love and compassion (Matt. 14:14; Gal. 5:6).
My Reflections
Breakthroughs require love, passion, and whole-hearted search which result in God disclosing Himself to you. This is followed by steps of obedient implementation of the revelation(s) received.
What God spoke to me concerning marketing
Each marketing piece is to come from My River, My flow, My heart, and it will speak directly to their heart. It is to be birthed in prayer and then sent with prayer. Then My Spirit will carry My message on the wings of My love into their hearts. Then I will prosper you. Then you will have success.
Communicating to the heart involves discerning people’s deepest needs, aspirations, God-given destinies, passions and desires. I know all about the issues surrounding people’s hearts. I will show you their hearts’ needs, aspirations, fears and desires. I will grant you powerful stories and parables which will touch their hearts in a meaningful way, allowing My Spirit to work mightily within them, convincing them of what they are to do.
You know what a healed heart is. It is a heart full of faith, hope and love. The driving goals and passions of each person’s heart are to experience these things. You are to help lead them into these things. You know what an unhealed heart is. It is a heart filled with fear, despair and anger. As you write, you are moving people from their fears, angers and despair to a place of faith, hope and love. It is really as simple as that. Appeal to the heart with honesty and integrity and get out of the way.
Prayer of Repentance
Lord, I repent: for my judgments against marketers, seeing them all as evil manipulators. I repent for my scorn against marketing, saying, “I have a powerful gift or service for them to receive and they should recognize it and come to me.” You have said, “How will they know unless someone tell them.” So there is a place to go out and serve society well by telling them good news of the service or product which You have caused me to create which can enhance their lives. Those who are ready and able will respond to the invitation. Others will not, and that is fine. That is the way it is.
As I explored marketing, the Lord led me to Brunson and Click Funnels. His counsel to give away my best stuff free blew my mind. Why would anyone purchase it if I gave it to them free? But I was reminded of the biblical principle, “give and it will be given unto you” so we began running one of our courses free across the internet every month. That was a couple years ago. Now, 5000 people from 100 nations now watch every month and then a couple hundred people purchase the product at 50% off the $200 retail price, so they can watch it over and over. That brings in an amazing $20,000 extra each month to Communion With God Ministries. Truly amazing. First great marketing success I have ever had in my 40 years of writing and marketing. Thank You Lord for Your principles and your revelation!
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