Is your sales structure a house of cards or a skyscraper?

A solid sales process will:

  • Be a comforting checklist so you don’t leave anything out.
  • Keep things in the order that works. For example, it’s a waste of time to talk about price before you fully understand the problem the buyer is trying to solve.
  • Help you manage an emotional interaction. Your emotions and the buyer’s emotions need to be under control so you don’t rush the process in the emotion of the moment.
  • Keep conversations on track to accomplish the objective while allowing flexibility of expression throughout the exchange.

The content of every conversation will be different because every situation is different. Your process will be fixed, providing the backbone to make sure you cover everything in an optimal way.

I invite you to think about your approach to sales.

  • How methodical are you?
  • What structures have you implemented that help you succeed?
  • Where are there gaps in your approach that structure could help to bridge?

Get in touch if you’d like to explore your unique sales situation and how this concept of implementing structure can help grow your results.