Keys to positive change in sales and in life

In 2020 the grieving process showed up everywhere in our lives and business. While some businesses prospered, others suffered challenges that range from frustration to devastating loss. People have met these changes with varying degrees of denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance (the 5 steps of grief).

Those who continue to prosper despite their circumstances exhibit two common traits: proactivity and creativity. These two qualities work together to guard a hopeful perspective that can keep your business and your life moving forward.

Be Proactive
Proactivity is defined as acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty. It requires a shift in thought process to seek out potential solutions in advance, so the problems are minimized or avoided altogether.

Proactivity is a conscious choice. Consider these ways to become more proactive:

Ponder what you can do vs. what you can’t.

Take initiative to start something new.

Lead others to think differently about their situation.

Be the one who voices the silver-lining-message vs. doom and gloom.

Back up your words with action. And don’t worry because imperfect action tops perfect inaction every time.

Be Creative
Creativity is defined as being marked by the ability to create. It is a natural complement to proactivity. In his book The Science of Getting Rich, Wallace Waddles states that creativity is the opposite of competition.

Creativity augments instead of limiting. It finds new ways that go beyond what was previously known in order to arrive at a better place. Here are some things you can do to increase creativity:

Make a choice to look beyond the obvious.

Apply cross-discipline knowledge in unlikely places to see what comes forward.

Ask questions that open new perspectives.

Lead brainstorming sessions where all ideas are welcome.

Encourage others to think creatively.

The Key
It is prudent to remember that our best thinking got us where we are today, and we don’t know what we don’t know. Therefore, it’s important to seek wise counsel. Partner with God through prayer. Seek wise input from people you trust who have more experience than you. Be open to looking at things differently. Test everything with research and prayer. Then act.

As you cultivate the habits of proactivity and creativity you will become part of the positive change you want to see in the world around you.

Have fun proactively creating!