Mind-blowing Customer Service

It isn’t often that I get “wowed” to tears, but Chewy.com has done it!

I’ve been buying products from Chewy since 2015. The convenience of having heavy cases of canned food and kitty litter delivered straight to my door — in 2 days with free shipping — was a no-brainer combination of goodness.

After submitting a recent order, I realized that I needed to update my credit card number. My attempts to fix it myself online failed, so I called. The customer service representative greeted me with kindness and immediately asked me how Victory, Storm and Sheba were doing. (I’d created pet profiles and they obviously were served up to her on her computer as she answered my call.) Nice touch, but I had to explain that the kittens are doing great, and Sheba passed away a couple weeks ago. Her response was sincere and immediate. So nice to have someone recognize the pain of the loss of one’s pet.

She continued to help me get my card updated and finished the call saying again how sorry she was for my loss.

Today, the order I’d placed arrived on my front porch, and there was a strangely shaped box in addition to the one I expected. It said, FRESH FLOWERS – OPEN IMMEDIATELY. What??

I thought, “Who in the world is sending me flowers? It’s well past my birthday, not my anniversary…and my husband wouldn’t mail order me flowers. I quickly opened the box and to my delight saw 12 long-stemmed yellow roses and a vase staring me in the face. I quickly opened the note which said: Losing such a big part of your family is never easy. We’re thinking of you in this difficult time. Warmly, Joice and Your Chewy Family.

Wow. Yep, I cried.

Joice went above and beyond my expectations. It makes me want to tell this story to everyone.

Her actions make me think about ways that I can go above and beyond; to do the unexpected just to touch another person’s heart with love and kindness that leaves a lasting impression.

Let this story remind us all of the importance of showing others that we care, and that they matter.