Your solutions have the power to change people’s lives

Sales done well is about problem-solving. But to solve a problem and make a sale, we first have to get people’s attention through written and verbal messaging. During His ministry, Jesus applied three essential principles to craft high-impact, life-changing messages.

1. State your case clearly.

Jesus was clear when he spoke. That’s because He knew what he wanted to communicate and used an approach that was just right for each situation. When his followers didn’t understand the deeper concepts he taught, he used analogies and storytelling to further clarify.

2. Use stories to capture attention and connect.

Stories have the power to connect with people at an emotional level that helps the facts stick. Effective storytelling starts by considering the listener’s perspective, then stating your message from their perspective. In Persuade With A Story, Henry J. DeVries gives sage advice for crafting good business stories that can increase sales.

3. Establish a clear call-to-action.

Have you ever been asked to give feedback on something but there was no deadline given? Ever heard a sales presentation that ended with, “Just let me know if you’re interested”? Once your message is delivered, be clear about what you want to have happen next. A weak call to action fosters inaction.



A call-to-action. These are 3 essential elements that help you deliver messages that have a lasting impact.

Remember this; even if your messages don’t seem as important as what Jesus shared, the value you provide can be just as life-changing for your customers. That is the power of providing the right solution at the right time.

Henry J. DeVries is co-founder of the publishing house Indie Books International, the author of several business books, and a columnist at