When making decisions at work – pray first.
I’m grateful for my dear friend Mike Henry, Sr. who reminds me that it is always helpful to pray first. And not only pray first but pray about everything. Yes, everything!
You’ve gained knowledge, skills, and experience that help you make good business decisions. It’s natural to operate based on past conditioning and head knowledge. But I propose that, in this case, what comes naturally could be hurting you.
Enter prayer.
Prayer at and about work is seeking God’s wisdom, insight, and guidance before doing what we think best. When we invite God to participate in everyday details of work and home life, it opens a realm of potential outcomes that can’t be accessed any other way.
Look at your own decision-making process to identify where you can interject prayer. Make it your starting point and incorporate it throughout. Then take action and measure results. Finish with prayers of thanksgiving to acknowledge God’s hand on your business.
Why step-up your prayer-discipline?
Prayer opens the way to receiving God-sized results that we can’t get on our own.
When we ask God to help, and He does, it builds our faith and becomes a witness to those around us.
The Word says that …everyone who asks, receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. If only you will knock, the door will open. (Matthew 7:8 TLB). That means when we ask, we are poised to receive the goodness of God.
Reply and let me know how incorporating prayer into your work-life has changed things for you!
Mike Henry, Sr. is the founder of Follower of One a unique marketplace mission trip experience. Check it out! He is also a charter-member of my bi-monthly Group Sales Coaching sessions.