In business, we craft messages every day, often without realizing it. Every phone call, every email, every customer interaction, every proposal or contract or marketing brochure…every one of these communication moments delivers a message to the customer. In the midst...
Blog Posts | Audio | Media | Documents
Making It Happen: How Jesus Motivated Others through His Ministry
Whether in sales or in any other part of growing a business, one essential leadership trait you will need is the ability to motivate others. Motivation is described as “the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way”, or as “the general...
How Jesus Approached Communication and What It Means for Sales
Mastering communication is one of the most essential priorities for a professional salesperson. And yet, in many sales organizations, the focus of any communication training or development is limited to updates or seminars on the latest product features and functions....
Listening: The Key to Servant Leadership
The field of professional sales is undergoing radical change. The internet has turned the tables on salespeople, who were the traditional gatekeepers of information the customer needed in order to make an informed decision. For example, if you needed to learn how to...
Essential Steps to Visionary Leadership: The Example of Jesus
What does it mean to be a visionary leader? And what does it take to become one? We tend to recognize people who exhibit leadership qualities as those who are ‘out in front’ — the individuals who make decisions and declare directions that others follow. Visionary...
What Jesus Taught About Creating Lasting Relationships
Throughout his ministry, Jesus recognized the importance of building lasting relationships. Lasting relationships are those that stand the test of time, and which create a deep sense of personal commitment on the part of both participants. Developing lasting...
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Setting Expectations For Sales Success
Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty
Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers
Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing