Learning Center
Sales is not about convincing people to buy!
After encountering another obnoxious salesperson last week, I’m reminded to share a critical mindset shift that can help you generate sustainable, long-term sales results: Sales is not about convincing people to buy. It is about helping people make the best possible...
Reflecting on 2022 – A year of having more “fun”
It seems like only yesterday that I was making plans for Q1 and now it’s year end. The details of each day fade over time and it’s easy to overlook meaningful moments and accomplishments. So, I’m taking time to intentionally reflect on a theme I’ve experience this...
Fanatical Consistency Beats Sporadic Intensity
Fanatical, consistent sales activity beats intense, sporadic sales activity every time. A tiny drop of water can drill a hole in a rock when it drips in the same spot over a long period of time. Likewise, a small amount of sales activity, when done consistently over...
Are you a bystander in your own sales process?
A few years back there was a cop show on TV called “The Closer” about a chief detective who was especially talented at getting confessions out of criminals. (Okay, I confess. I enjoy watching cop shows.) Without the “close”, in this context the confession, there was...
Words, Tone and Body Language…Which Speaks the Loudest?
Thirty years ago, I learned about the communication pie and it forever changed the way I think about communication. The concept was put forth by a college professor, Albert Mehrabian, in the 1970’s. When it comes to communicating feelings and attitudes, words, tone of...
Curiosity Can be a ‘Good/God’ Thing
I am a regular guest blogger on Follower of One. Here is my recent article, reposted with permission. Everyone’s heard the saying “curiosity killed the cat.” A similarly disparaging saying dates back to AD 397 when St. Augustine wrote “… In the eons before creating...
“Sell Like Jesus” on IM CEO Podcast
I really enjoyed talking “sales” with Gresham Harkless, Jr. He is dedicated to helping...
Business Strategy and Prayer on Women Faith + Business Podcast
I was honored to be a guest on Nadine Mulling's Women Faith + Business Podcast. Here is an excerpt...
Chasing the Insights podcast with Vince Warnock – Fear vs. love-based selling
I was on the “Chasing the Insights” podcast and had so much fun being interviewed by Vince...
Interview on “Caregiver Dave” podcast with Dave Nassaney
Dave Nassaney, “Caregiver Dave” is the host of a popular, syndicated radio show heard in all 50...
Deb Brown Maher on “Back to Basics” Podcast
Host Leticia Latino says, “We spend our hours ‘connected,’ but we’re drifting away from real human...
Sell Like Jesus on “Born to Fly Podcast” with Jane Trapman
Jane Trapman states, “I wish I heard her speak years ago. Just hearing the word "sales" would make...
Learn to Sell Like Jesus – TGIF@Work with Os Hillman
Got to talk with Os Hillman about how to learn to sell like Jesus! Listen on Apple Podcast:...
Miraculously Healed by Jesus – Divine Intervention Radio
I had the chance to share my personal testimony including my miraculous healing with Divine...
Take the ‘Necessary Evil’ out of Selling
Had a great chance to talk with Scott Ferguson on "Time to Shine Today". Listen to the program...
Sales Strategies for Lawyers – Law You Should Know radio show with Attorney Kenneth Landau
I had the wonderful opportunity to be featured on Law You Should Know, a radio program on Nassau...
How to Sell Authentically – (Podcast)
I had the chance to speak on how to sell authentically with Social Media Strategist Michael...
7 Characteristics of Christ For Ethical Sales – The Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur (Podcast)
I had the opportunity to speak with Timmy Bauer on his podcast, The Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur,...
Living A Better Story (Podcast)
I talk about God-centered family life and work life with Chad Burmeister Listen here:...
Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur – Embracing the Model of Jesus For Sales (Podcast)
I'm honored that I got to talk with Shae Bynes from Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur about how to...
Eternal Leadership (Podcast) – Sell Like Jesus
My podcast interview with Eternal Leadership
iWork4Him Radio
I got to talk with Jim & Martha Brangenberg of iWork4Him Radio about 7 Characteristics of...
Pinnacle Forum Podcast: Sell Like Jesus
My interview on the Pinnacle Forum podcast Listen here
Interview on The Magic Brad Show
The Magic Brad Show interview with Deb Brown Maher Watch episode here
Hope 1160AM, Chicago
My interview on Hope 1160 am, Chicago, Faith Marketplace Radio (with Bob Lambert and Jennifer...
Richer Soul Podcast with Rocky Lalvani
I talked with Rocky Lalvani on his Richer Soul podcast. Listen here
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Setting Expectations For Sales Success

Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty

Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers

Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing