It seems like only yesterday that I was making plans for Q1 and now it’s year end. The details of each day fade over time and it’s easy to overlook meaningful moments and accomplishments. So, I’m taking time to intentionally reflect on a theme I’ve experience this...
Blog Posts | Audio | Media | Documents
Sell Like Jesus – Multiply Your Global Sales Results (BibleHax podcast)
I had a wonderful chat with Sharon Jones of BibleHax podcast. We talked about how to multiply your global sales results. Listen to the podcast here:
Fanatical Consistency Beats Sporadic Intensity
Fanatical, consistent sales activity beats intense, sporadic sales activity every time. A tiny drop of water can drill a hole in a rock when it drips in the same spot over a long period of time. Likewise, a small amount of sales activity, when done consistently over...
Are you a bystander in your own sales process?
A few years back there was a cop show on TV called “The Closer” about a chief detective who was especially talented at getting confessions out of criminals. (Okay, I confess. I enjoy watching cop shows.) Without the “close”, in this context the confession, there was...
Words, Tone and Body Language…Which Speaks the Loudest?
Thirty years ago, I learned about the communication pie and it forever changed the way I think about communication. The concept was put forth by a college professor, Albert Mehrabian, in the 1970’s. When it comes to communicating feelings and attitudes, words, tone of...
Sellers masquerading as buyers
I love connecting with people in conversation, getting to know them in a meaningful way. About a year ago I got (what I thought was) a brilliant idea to add a link to my calendar on my LinkedIn profile. No one used it – until this week. Someone I didn’t know appeared...
Keep in Touch With Me
Setting Expectations For Sales Success
Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty
Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers
Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing