My friend, colleague and sometimes coach, Steve Harrison, recently invited me to participate in his Fall National Publicity Summit. My first reaction was skepticism. As nicely as I could, I explained my feeling that the media messaging sounds increasingly anti-Christ...
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Don’t talk to strangers!
By the time we’re in first grade, we’ve been programmed with hundreds of messages designed to keep us safe. Don’t touch the stove! Don’t cross the street without looking! Don’t talk to strangers! But now, you have to sell things to strangers, causing you discomfort....
Your solutions have the power to change people’s lives
Sales done well is about problem-solving. But to solve a problem and make a sale, we first have to get people’s attention through written and verbal messaging. During His ministry, Jesus applied three essential principles to craft high-impact, life-changing messages....
Magnify Your Business Results with Prayer
When making decisions at work – pray first. I’m grateful for my dear friend Mike Henry, Sr. who reminds me that it is always helpful to pray first. And not only pray first but pray about everything. Yes, everything! You’ve gained knowledge, skills, and experience that...
Don’t get caught answering questions before you’re ready
Some say never lower your price. Others say always negotiate. Regardless, price is important to buyer and seller alike. Buyers want a fair price, while sellers want a fair profit. Prospects have a valid concern about being able to afford a solution. That...
3 Things that make selling easier – and won’t cost you a penny!
Sales success comes from implementing proven strategies. These three things can help you right now and they won’t cost you a penny. A winning mindset,A well-planned sales approach, andTrust-building communication. 1. Winning Mindset: Change the way you think about...
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Setting Expectations For Sales Success
Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty
Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers
Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing