I had a wonderful chat with Sharon Jones of BibleHax podcast. We talked about how to multiply your global sales results. Listen to the podcast here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/sell-like-jesus-multiply-your-global-sales-results/id1449105327?i=1000589598091
Blog Posts | Audio | Media | Documents
Deb Brown Maher talks about Sell Like Jesus with Jacqui Wilson of The CWS Pod
I had the opportunity to talk with xxx of The CWS Pod Here is a video of our interview: https://youtu.be/WS_UaRI0oUA You can find this interview any places you listen to podcasts (Apple, Google, iHeart, Pandora, Spotify, and more).
Curiosity Can be a ‘Good/God’ Thing
I am a regular guest blogger on Follower of One. Here is my recent article, reposted with permission. Everyone’s heard the saying “curiosity killed the cat.” A similarly disparaging saying dates back to AD 397 when St. Augustine wrote “… In the eons before creating...
Saying Yes to God’s Invitation
In my recent interview with Althea McIntyre, Spirit-Led Sales Coach (#AltheaTV), I share how after years of running from my calling and gifting in sales, I finally said yes to God's invitation to open my sales consulting business. I've never looked back. Watch/listen...
3 Sales Mindsets that can really hurt you
The other day at a networking event I overheard someone say, “She’s so good at sales that she could sell ice to Eskimos.” It made me think of other such statements like, “He’s got the gift of gab and can talk anyone into buying from him.” And, “That one is a born...
Selling With Integrity – Deb Brown Maher on Live. Love. Engage. Podcast with Gloria Grace Rand
I had the pleasure of discussing how to sell with integrity on Gloria Rand's Live. Love. Engage. podcast this week. Watch the interview here: https://youtu.be/MQs5SqhdqO0
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Setting Expectations For Sales Success

Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty

Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers

Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing