So grateful to be on the #SpeakEasy Podcast with Altovise Pelzer. Always great to talk about how to sell like Jesus! Listen to the Podcast episode here:
Blog Posts | Audio | Media | Documents
Sales Strategies from a Higher Power
People often ask why in the world I wrote a book that connects Jesus to sales, of all things! When they see the title, “Sell Like Jesus: 7 Characteristics of Christ for Ethical Sales” some react with joy. I suspect it’s because they are Christian, they sell something,...
“Sell Like Jesus” on IM CEO Podcast
I really enjoyed talking “sales” with Gresham Harkless, Jr. He is dedicated to helping solo-entrepreneurs and small business owners with practical, tactical tips to help them thrive in their business. Listen to our interview here:...
Deb Brown Maher on “Back to Basics” Podcast
Host Leticia Latino says, “We spend our hours ‘connected,’ but we’re drifting away from real human connection. Especially to ourselves.” Join her as she explores ways to reconnect to your essence, to your definite purpose, to what makes you TICK through this interview...
Sell Like Jesus on “Born to Fly Podcast” with Jane Trapman
Jane Trapman states, “I wish I heard her speak years ago. Just hearing the word "sales" would make me uncomfortable. If selling is "not your thing" or if sales aren't going well, give this podcast a listen.” Listen here:...
Learn to Sell Like Jesus – TGIF@Work with Os Hillman
Got to talk with Os Hillman about how to learn to sell like Jesus! Listen on Apple Podcast: Watch on YouTube:
Keep in Touch With Me

Setting Expectations For Sales Success

Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty

Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers

Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing