Back in April, I got to talk with Cassandra Crawley Mayo about following our way vs. God's way of living and doing business. Listen to our talk here:
Blog Posts | Audio | Media | Documents
Sell Like Jesus on God and Gigs (with Allen C. Paul)
It was a pleasure to talk with Allen C. Paul on God and Gigs about how to Sell Like Jesus. Listen to the podcast here:
Eliminate buyer reluctance by using these two things…
What two things? Your ears! Being a great salesperson involves the ability to quickly understand the buyer’s situation which enables you to formulate the best possible solution. Understanding comes through listening. Rate Your Listening Skills Here’s a quick quiz to...
Let’s get clear about the importance of clarity in selling
The third characteristic of Christ discussed in my book Sell Like Jesus: 7 Characteristics of Christ for Ethical Sales, is clarity. Clarity is described as clearness, precision, and simplicity. Lack of clarity results in vagueness and ambiguity that cause confusion...
Connection: Three easy ways to intentionally build trust
People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care. Just the other day I asked someone how business was going. His response was that all-too-familiar saying: “Business would be great if it wasn’t for the people.” Ouch… It was a reminder that...
Do Sales With Integrity and Understanding – Deb Brown Maher on One Big Tip Podcast
I got to talk with Jeff Mendelson recently on his One Big Tip Podcast. Listen to the podcast here:
Keep in Touch With Me

Setting Expectations For Sales Success

Value Based Approach To Custome Loyalty

Value Based Selling Leads To Best Buyers

Values Based Approach To Lead Nurturing